Parents and Students » Scholarships


For easy access to a specific scholarship you may be searching for, please hit the Ctrl+F key and type in the keyword you may be looking for.
Any student, regardless of income, who wants to be considered for federal, state, and school financial aid programs should apply for FAFSA. This includes grants, scholarships, work-study funds, and loans.
It takes most people less than one hour to fill out the FAFSA form, including gathering any personal documents and financial information needed to complete it.
You will need:
  • Verified account username and password (FSA ID)
  • Parent or spouse contributor name, date of birth, Social Security number, and email address
  • Income and asset information (if required)
To learn more about FAFSA and to apply, please visit
Hansen Injury Law Firm Scholarship
At the Hansen Injury Law Firm we understand the value education can have. We firmly believe that education enriches and adds value to the lives of those who pursuit it. As a result, Matt Hansen and the other attorneys at the firm are proud to offer a generous $1,000.00 scholarship for individuals whose lives have been negatively impacted by a car crash, bicycle accident or other events leading to personal injuries.
The following eligibility criteria MUST be met to qualify:
1. You must currently be enrolled in or have been accepted to (and planning to attend) a college or university in the United States.
2. You must have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher in the current or most recent secondary education program you have attended.
Daniel's Fund Scholarship
  • Due Date: October 15th, 2023
Charlie B and Alice I Schuette Memorial Scholarship (2022 Graduates and before)
  • Due: November 1st, 2023
    The scholarships are to be awarded to students that graduate from Newcastle High
    School.  The decisions as to who the scholarships are to be given are to be left in the discretion
    of the Board of Trustees of the school district or such committee as designated by them.
  1. Scholarships shall be awarded to students attending an accredited trade or
    technical school.
  2. Scholarships will be paid each semester upon proof of admittance to the
    institution and upon the student maintaining an academic grade point average of
    a C+ or higher. A transcript will be required at the end of each semester.
  3. Other requirements or considerations to be used in awarding the scholarships are.
    1. The financial need of the student taking into consideration other scholarships
    2. Agricultural based studies should be preferred
    3. Character, leadership, past work history and future goals
      Amounts of Scholarships may vary per year, depending on Market value.
Science Ambassador Scholarship
-A full–tuition scholarship for women and non-binary students in STEM.
Funded by Cards Against Humanity. Applications close December 13th, 2023 at 11:59PM CST.
GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship Program
The GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship Program annually awards roughly 20 college-bound students who demonstrate exemplary leadership, drive, integrity, and citizenship with $10,000 renewable scholarships-up to $40,000 total per recipient.


Mensa Education and Research Foundation Local Scholarship Program

Full Application and Information

The Mensa Foundation Scholarship Program awards more than $140,000 in assistance every year to college-bound students around the globe. Scholarships are awarded based solely on 550-word essays expressing applicants’ academic and professional goals and how their personal experiences will help them to accomplish those goals.

  • Scholarship Window opens on September 15th
  • Entries must be posted by January 15th
National Wild Turkey Federation Scholarship
Dr. James Earl Kennamer Scholarship
The purpose of the scholarship program is to recognize and reward an NWTF member, who is currently a senior in high school, for their outstanding academic achievement, community involvement and leadership roles. The National Scholarship Winner will receive a $10,000 scholarship sponsored by Mossy Oak.
Eligibility: Students: (1) Must be a graduating senior with a 3.0 or higher. (2) Must be pursuing a degree at an accredited institution of higher education. (3) Must support the preservation of the hunting tradition and actively participate in hunting sports. (a copy of a current hunting license is required). (4) Must be involved in school activities. (5) Must demonstrate ability as a leader among his or her peers. (6) Must demonstrate community involvement.

Applications must be sent to:

Jake Jacobsen

WY State Chapter NWTF

JAKES Coordinator

3009 Canyon Ridge Way

Worland, WY  82401 Healthcare Leaders Scholarship is a great resource for students considering a career in nursing. Our Nursing Resource Center features career guides, directories of nursing organizations and state boards, as well as a fun quiz to help students figure out which specialty they might like to pursue.

Highlands VFW Auxiliary Scholarship Program 24-25
  • Deadline: February 28th, 2025
  • Must have a 3.00 GPA and provide a grade transcript
Laura Chord Scholarship
  • Available for submission from November 1st, 2024 to February 28th, 2025.
  • No late entries will be accepted.
The Sam R. Ratcliff Charitable Foundation Scholarship Bachelor's Degree Program
  • Due Date: February 13th, 2025 to the Counselor's office at the high school.
  • For Bachelor's Degree Only
The Sam R. Ratcliff Charitable Foundation Scholarship Non-Bachelor's Degree Program
  • Due Date: February 13th, 2025 to the Counselor's office at the high school.
  • For Non-Bachelor's Degree Only (Trade, Vo-Tech, Beauty School, etc.)
Wyoming Auctioneers Scholarship
  • Due Date: February 15th
Wyoming Conference of Building Officials Scholarship
  • Due Date: February 1st, 2024
  • Must be a graduate of a Wyoming high school who enrolls in a Wyoming college, university, or trade school and is pursuing courses of study which could lead to a career in the construction/building industry.
Wyoming Trucking Association Scholarship
  • Due Date: February 3rd, 2024
Beth Ann Crawford Business Leader Memorial Scholarship

Please complete form and attach a 300 word essay on the importance of businesses in small communities and your own business goals.  Must be a member of FBLA and this form must be signed by FBLA advisor to verify this. 

  • Deadline March 1, please turn this application into the FBLA advisor.
Don Thorson Scholarship
  • This scholarship will be awarded to two seniors graduating from NHS and/or Upton High School who will be attending college or a vocational training school or facility, with preference for schools in Wyoming or Colorado School of Mines and Hillsdale, within 12 months of graduation.
  • The student must be planning on majoring in a STEM program
  • Applications are due March 31st.
Dudley W Dinges Memorial Scholarship
  • Due Date March 31st
Eastern Wyoming College Scholarship Opportunities
Eastern Wyoming College offers Foundation, institutional, and private donor scholarships and activity grants. Students can apply for most scholarships EWC administers via our online scholarship application. Students can apply for Fall, Spring, and Summer scholarships through this application.
To be eligible for any EWC scholarships/activity grants, you must:
  • Complete the EWC Application for Admission
  • Provide an official HS Transcript
  • Provide official college transcripts from any other colleges you have attended
  • All students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
  • March 15th is the priority consideration date for scholarship applications, however qualified applicants may be considered for scholarships at any time. 
Janice M. Scott Memorial Scholarship Fund
Kaiser Foundation Inc. Scholarship
  • Due to the High School Office March 1st, 2024.
Livingston Family-H.J. King Memorial & Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation Scholarships
Marchant WYO Realty Trade Excellence Scholarship- Due Date 03/15/2024
Newcastle Lodge #13 A.F. & A.M. Scholarship
Powder River Basin Section of Society of Petroleum Engineers
  • Due Date: March 1st
Sam R. Ratcliff College Application
  • Due Date: March 1st
Rising Opportunity Student Scholarship (R.O.S.S.)
  • Due Date: March 1st
RT Communication, Inc. Scholarship


The following are the 2020 Eligibility Requirements.

RT Communications Scholarship
Applicants must be a customer, customer’s dependent or a dependent of an RT Communications’ employee.


Foundation for Rural Service Scholarship
Applicants must be sponsored by a NTCA member (RT customers).

The USS Wyoming/Dick Cheney Scholarship

Full Information

Application Form

  • Due Date: March 1st

Thanks to generous donations since 1997, we have raised enough funding to award about 60 college scholarships. These $1,000 scholarships have been given to Wyoming high school students and USS Wyoming crew-members or a member of their family to attend college.


The USS Wyoming/Dick Cheney Scholarship is awarded annually to Wyoming residents who are about to graduate or have graduated from an accredited high school in the state or who will be attending a Wyoming community college or the University of Wyoming. Consideration will be given to past academic performance, financial need, personal conduct and reputation, extracurricular involvement, service to community and country, demonstration of patriotism and good citizenship, unique or distinguishing qualities, and educational goals.

WAESS Student Scholarship
Wyoming Community Foundation Myron D. Kiesling Scholarship
About This Scholarship:
  • Amount distributed is one $2,000 scholarship for each academic year
  • Specific to graduates of a Weston County High School who plan to study nursing or engineering (other areas of study are considered). College must be a four year accredited college or university
  • Applicants must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0
  • Upload most recent transcript to the online application
  • Must demonstrate financial need by completing the Financial Aid Affidavit on the application
  • Deadline is March 1st
  • Students may reapply each year
Wyoming Elks Association

Application Form

We have some excellent students in Wyoming, but not all of them can afford to go on to college or a trade school. Through our Student Scholarships Program, we enable bright, hard-working students to seek out and receive the education they deserve.


The Wyoming Elks Association awards a total of $20,000 in scholarships every year to students living in Wyoming. Some of the scholarships are for Wyoming community colleges or universities, others are for community colleges and universities throughout the nation, and still others are for vocational schools.


Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation Scholarships

WyFB Scholarships Memo

Continuing Education Full Application and Information

WyFB and Livingston Memorial Scholarships

  • Due date: Postmarked or delivered by March 1st


Wyoming Game Wardens Association

Full Information and Information

This program, originated in 1986, provides a source of financial assistance to Wyoming high school seniors who wish to pursue their education after high school. The cash scholarship is valued at $500.00. Presently two are awarded per Wildlife Division Region in the state, amounting to 14 total scholarships. These scholarships can be used for any trade school, community college or major university, instate or out-of-state. The senior must complete an essay application containing questions related to Wyoming's environment, hunting and their future plans. The recipients are picked by the game wardens in each region based on their essay answers and financial need.


Wyoming Rural Water Foundation Scholarship Program

Full Application and Information

This grant of One Thousand Dollars ( $1,000.00) will be made to a student to defray the cost of tuition, books, or room and board at an accredited institution of higher learning approved by the Wyoming Rural Water Foundation (WRWF). Disbursement of the money will be made upon presentation of winner’s college or university receipt as proof of enrollment. The scholarship money will be paid directly to the student. In order to be eligible for a scholarship, applicants must complete the application form in its entirety by completing all blanks. If item is not applicable please place an N/A in the blank. Upon completion return it to the WRWF Scholarship Committee by the entry deadline, March 15, 2023. All recipients will be first screened on eligibility requirements, with priority given, but not limited to water/wastewater/environmental related studies. Applicants will be evaluated on a comparative basis at the sole discretion of the committee. Decisions will be final. Application material and decisions of the committee shall be confidential. Acceptance of scholarship constitutes permission to use recipients name and/or likeness f or purpose of promotion. Recipients must maintain a 2.5 GPA and complete at least one full semester. Failure to achieve the required minimum GPA or failure to not complete a full semester will result in reimbursement of the entire scholarship amount.

Adeline Neilson Scholarship Foundation
  • last day to email for information: April 19th, 2025
  • Application must be sent back by: April 26th, 2025
Available to: Scholarships are available for trade school students as well as for college and university students.
Provided by: Adeline Neilson Scholarship Foundation
Number of awards: The Foundation awards an average of 25 scholarships each year.
Value: $500 – $4,000
Selected by: Adeline Neilson Scholarship Foundation
How to apply: Application can be obtained by emailing a request to [email protected]
All School Reunion Scholarship
  • Deadline: April 1 of current school year
Andy Rasmussen Scholarship
  • This scholarship will be awarded to two seniors graduating from NHS and will be attending a vocational training school or facility for truck driving, mechanical, car restoration, or auto body located in the United States within 12 months of graduation.
  • Deadline: due to the NHS Office by April 2, 2024
Chapter AG, P.E.O. Inga Thorson Memorial Scholarship
  • The scholarship is administered by a committee composed of three members. The committee makes the selection of the award based on selected criteria and the applications submitted.
  • The criteria for this award are academic achievement and the student's proven and potential ability.
  • As a well-rounded student is sought, such factors as character, leadership ability, participation in school and community activities, citizenship, ambition and goals are given serious consideration. Need is a factor which is also given consideration.
  • Completed application
  • School grade transcript
  • Written statement of goals
Rules for Scholarship:
  • The recipient of the scholarship must be a female graduate of Newcastle High School in the current year with a grade average of C+ or above required.
  • The recipient may use this award at any university, college, junior college, vocational or technical school located within or without the State of Wyoming.
  • The money will be paid directly to the registrar of the recipient's selected school.
  • The recipient of this award must use the award during the school year in which it is given.
  • The committee will select an alternate who will receive the award if the selected recipient forfeits the award for that year.
  • The scholarship will be in the amount of $500.
  • Applications are due in the office of Newcastle High School by  April 15  
Cindy McKee Scholarship
Crouch Education Scholarship
The Crouch Education Scholarship is administered by Weston County School District #1. Seniors at Newcastle High School or NHS graduates attending college may apply for this scholarship. One scholarship will be awarded to a male student and one to a female student. The scholarship can be used at your school of choice. Preference is given to students pursuing a degree in education.


  • List high school activities and accomplishments.
  • Write a statement giving the committee insight about yourself and your educational goals/objectives.
  • Provide official transcripts of grades.
  • List your activities relating to community service.
  • All income and resources for the upcoming academic year is required
Don Thorson STEM Scholarship
  • Due Date April 15th
Don Thorson Trades Scholarship
  • Due Date April 15th
First Northern Bank of Wyoming Scholarship
  • Must graduate from WCSD#1 or WCSD#7 in the spring semester of 2025.
  • Deadline: April 18th, 2025
GFWC Wyoming Scholarships
  • Mary N. Brooks Scholarship and Ruth Clare Yonkee District Scholarship
  • Deadline: April 15th, 2024
  • Paulena Hays Non-Traditional Student Scholarship (students over age 18, did not attend an institute of higher learning directly after high school or GED)
Gus Archie Memorial Scholarship
The Gus Archie Memorial Scholarship is supported by the SPE Foundation and awards an outstanding student who plans to enter a university and pursue an undergraduate degree in petroleum engineering. The recipient will receive USD 5,000 per year for up to four years of university study.
Hank and Jalane Smith Trades and Health Services Scholarship
Due Date: April 15th, 2025
Keith T. Van Buren Memorial Scholarship

a.  This scholarship shall be awarded annually to one senior graduating from Newcastle High school who will be attending a vocational training school or facility located anywhere in the United States within twelve months following graduation.

b.  The amount of this scholarship is Two Thousand Dollars.  The scholarship shall be used to pay for tuition, books and for costs directly related to enrollment in the vocational training school or facility.

c.  a scholarship recipient may receive only one scholarship even though the recipient's vocation training may last more than one year.

d.  If there are no eligible graduating seniors, the scholarship shall not be award for that year.

e.  When the scholarship fund contains less than four Thousand Dollars the School District may either award the remaining balance of the fund in one scholarship exceeding Two Thousand dollars or divide the remaining balance of the fund into two equal shares and award two annual scholarships, each being less than Two Thousand dollars.

f.  The Keith T Van Buren Memorial Scholarship shall cease and expire when it is no longer funded.


  • Write a short essay about why you would be a good candidate for this scholarship
  • Explain which vocational you are going to go into and where
  • Provide a current transcript

Contact Main HS Office with completed application for further instructions.


Newcastle Area Chamber of Commerce Scholarship

Full Application and Information

Graduating Senior or Nontraditional Student from Newcastle or the surrounding area who is planning on pursuing a degree at a higher education institution (University, College or Technical School).*Scholarship Recipient will receive a total money award of $500.00 in which half will be awarded the first semester and the other half awarded the second semester.

Due Date: April 30th, 2025


Newcastle Booster Club Scholarship

Full Application and Information

The Newcastle High School Booster Club Scholarship awards students who have demonstrated leadership, dedication, teamwork and achievement during participation in high school athletics and/or activities. The NHS Booster Club awards scholarships to eligible graduating seniors. The scholarships awarded depends on the availability of funds and may vary from year to year. The Newcastle High School Booster Club awards scholarships primarily on involvement in athletic and/or activity achievement. Other factors, however, such as leadership, academics, community involvement, etc. may also be taken into consideration.


Order of the Eastern Star Scholarship

Full Application and Information

Grand Chapter of Wyoming

Order of the Eastern Star Youth Scholarship

Eligibility: Graduating High School Student who is a relative of a member of a Masonic Lodge or Order of the Eastern Star.

To apply for both scholarships, complete the application below and return it by April 15, 2025 to:

     Janet Hutchinson, Chairperson
     OES Scholarship Committee
     200 3rd Avenue
     Newcastle, WY 82701

Following review and selection of the Newcastle Chapter Scholarship, ALL applications will be forwarded on to be eligible for the Grand Chapter scholarship!

To apply for only the Grand Chapter scholarship, complete the attached application and return it by May 1, 2025 to:

     Rebecca Jones, PM
     Grand Chapter of Wyoming
     OES Youth Scholarship Chair
     218 S Greeley Hwy, Lot 39
     Cheyenne, WY 82007
P.E.O. Chapter AG Outstanding Female English Student Award

Applicants for this award must be senior female students of Newcastle High School. The goal is to award a female student who excels in English academics. Please complete all the questions below and attach the requested materials. Thank you for taking time to apply.

Award amount: $250.00

Deadline to apply: April 15

Return completed application to the Newcastle High School Office.


P.E.O., Chapter AG #1 Scholarship

Full Application and Information

This scholarship is administered by a committee composed of three members. The committee makes the selection for the award, based on the scholarship criteria, guidelines, and applications submitted. The criteria for this award are academic achievement and the students proven and potential ability. As a well-rounded student is sought, such factors as character, leadership ability, participation in school and community activities, citizenship, ambition, and goals are given serious consideration. Financial need is also a factor that is given consideration.


1. Completed application
2. High school transcript
3. Written statement of goals

Scholarship guidelines:
1. The recipient must be a female graduate of Newcastle High School for the current year, with a C+ or above grade average.
2. The recipient may use this award at any university, college, junior college, vocational or technical school located within or without the state of Wyoming.
3. The award will be paid directly to the registrar of the recipient's school.
4. The recipient must use the award during the school year in which it is given.
5. The committee will select an alternate who will receive the award if the selected recipient forfeits the award for that year.
6. The scholarship will be $500.00.
7. Applications are due in the Newcastle High School office by April 15.


Raymond W. McClure Scholarship

The Raymond W. McClure Scholarships are made available through a bequest to Weston County School District #1.  These scholarships may be used for post high school training in any Wyoming institution of higher learning, vocational or technical school.


A scholarship committee will recommend applicants for scholarship to the Trustees of School District #1.  The committee will recommend scholarships on the basis of the applicant’s scholastic record, character, financial need and other evidence of academic ability and interest.  The applicants should also take care to make a good first impression, which would include a neat application.  The Board of Trustees will then award the scholarships.

Successful applicants who are graduating from high school will receive their letter awarding the scholarship and then be recognized at the school’s award assembly at the close of the school year.  Those attending college will receive their letter awarding the scholarship at their school address.


All instructions must be followed and requested information submitted, as incomplete applications cannot be considered.  College applicants should list only collegiate activities.  All applicants should be clear and concise on their goals.


High school applications are to be submitted to the high school guidance office.  College applicants should submit their applications to the following address:

Raymond McClure Scholarship Committee

Weston County School District #1

116 Casper Avenue

Newcastle, WY  82701


  • Scholarships may be granted to either girls or boys who are graduates of Newcastle High School.
  • Recipients may use the award at the school of their choice.
  • Recipients must apply for scholarships. In the application, they shall state their eligibility; and, in their own words, state what their life goals are in the education that they seek.
  • Preference shall be given to recipients whose goals are in a field of endeavor which will offer service to others and to mankind, such as teaching, ministry, social work, nursing, medicine, and similar service fields, but the awards shall not be limited to those fields.
  • Recipients may receive scholarships for more than one year.
  • Recipients should demonstrate a financial need for the help of the scholarship.
  • The trustee is directed to pay to each recipient the amount awarded upon proof of enrollment of the recipient in the school of the recipient’s choice for that semester.
  • If the recipient fails to enroll in college or fails to accept the award, the committee may select an alternate to receive the scholarship at any time.
  • Graduating seniors must furnish high school transcript.
  • College students must furnish current college transcript.
  • Two letters of recommendation must be submitted—one from an instructor and one from someone other than an instructor in your school.


Full Application and Information

Applications are available from the Community Education office. Application deadline is April 15.


Robert J. and Clara Mae Harper Trust Scholarship

Full Application and Information

Slenker-Brown Scholarship

The Slenker-Brown Scholarship is made available through a bequest to Chapter X, P.E.O., to be used for scholarships for the benefit of graduates of Newcastle High School who are or will be attending the University of Wyoming, or any institute of higher education within the State of Wyoming as a full-time student.

The scholarship honors the memory of Elma Garman Slenker Brown and her son, Robert K. Slenker.  Elma was a 1920 graduate of Moorcroft High School and a 1926 graduate of the University of Wyoming with a Bachelor of Science in home economics.  She taught in Wyoming schools for more than thirty years; most of that time Elma taught home economics at Newcastle High School.  She was an outstanding teacher who was well liked by students and colleagues.

A recipient who is graduating from high school will receive an award letter at the school's award assembly.  A recipient who is attending college will receive the letter of award at her/his home address.


  1. Scholarships may be granted to either female or male students who are graduates of Newcastle High School.
  2. Recipients must be attending the University of Wyoming or planning to attend UW or any institute of higher education within the state of Wyoming, as a full time student.
  3. The scholarship will be paid half at the beginning of the first semester and half at the beginning of the second semester.
  4. An alternate may be chosen to receive the award if the recipient fails to meet these requirements.
  5. The trustee of this scholarship is Chapter X, P.E.O.  Scholarship selection committee members will be members of Chapter X. P.E.O.

Application Process  

  • Complete an application.
  • Include an official transcript (high school/college).
  • Attach three letters of recommendation-two from school personnel and one from a person in the community. If you are a college student, these letters of recommendation must be from college teachers.
  • List academic honors.
  • List participation and offices held in high school or college organizations and extracurricular activities.
  • List participation, offices, and honors received in activities outside of school.
  • Write a short paragraph telling about your educational goals and why you are applying for this scholarship.
  • Write a statement addressing your financial need for this scholarship.

An application is part of this file.  Application deadline is May 1


Susan Jones Memorial Scholarship

Full Application and Information

Two $1000 scholarships will be awarded to either current or former graduates of Newcastle High School. 

Due date is April 15th of the current school year.

Please return your filled out application to the Newcastle High School, 116 Casper Ave. Newcastle, WY 82701.


VFW Auxiliary Scholarship

Full Application and Information


Weston County Commissioner's Scholarship

Full Application and Information

Three (3) New county Commissioner Scholarships and one (1) Renewal Scholarship to be awarded annually for $1,000.00 ($500.00per semester) for one academic year. Any graduate of a high school in Wyoming who will enroll or is presently enrolled in a Wyoming college is eligible to apply. The scholarship shall be awarded on the basis of need, academic standing, and leadership qualities, as determined by the Weston County Commissioners.   Please  mark envelope attention : Weston County Commissioner's Scholarship

Application deadline is Friday, April 11th, 2025 at 4:30pm


Weston County Peace Officers Scholarship
Deadline: Due April 1st for Fall Semester, December 1st for Spring Semester
Wyoming Association of Secondary School Principals Scholarship
This $500 scholarship is available for any senior in a Wyoming High School where the Principal or Assistant Principals are members of WASSP.
Wyoming School Psychology Association Scholarship Application
Wyoming State Art Symposium Scholarship
  • Must be a fine arts major
  • Must prepare a portfolio of work to present to a panel of interviewees at the yearly Art Symposium in the spring
  • see Mrs. Marshall for more details
Wyoming Telecommunications Association Scholarship
  • For students who desire to further their education in the telecommunications industry or technical skill development.
  • $1000 for one student for the fall semester.
  • Student or student's parents/guardians must receive telecommunications from a participating WyTA member.
  • Deadline: April 14th, 2023
Visit for more information
Wyoming Weed and Pest Scholarship
  • $1000 for one student per academic year
  • Student must be pursuing a college discipline of or relating to Agriculture or Natural Resources.
  • Deadline April 4th, 2025
Wyoming Wool Growers Auxiliary Scholarship- Joy Hardy Memorial Scholarship

The following criteria will apply to the Wyoming Wool Growers Auxiliary Scholarship and the Joy Hardy Memorial Scholarship.

  1. Applicants must be a resident of Wyoming and have lived in their attendance area their entire senior year.
  2. Scholarship is available for students planning to attend any college, university, or an accredited trade school program. The scholarship is not available for correspondence courses.
  3. This scholarship will be awarded on the basis of individual applications. Each application must be completed and submitted to WWGA Auxiliary, PO Box 115, Casper, WY 82601 by April 15.
  4. Applicants for the scholarship will be considered equally without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, religion, political belief, or disability.
  5. All applicants shall submit an official application along with an official transcript and required signatures of the student, parent/guardian, and Guidance Counselor.
  6. Applicants shall be judged on the applicant's intent to further his or her education based on plans to choose a major in the College of Agriculture, Ag background, community and school involvement, merit of the student, and need of the scholarship.
  7. The scholarship will be awarded as a one-time payment to the recipient at graduation.
  8. Students applying for this scholarship must have a minimum of a 2.50 GPA.

Applications are available through the attachment below.  Application deadline is April 14


Wyoming Youth Soccer (WYS) Scholarship Fund

Guidelines to Scholarship

These scholarships are available to graduating seniors who:

  • Are in their senior year in high school in Wyoming
  • Played soccer with a WYS affiliated club or association.  affiliated association is defined as an association in good standing with Wyoming Youth Soccer;
  • Are enrolled or applying for enrollment at a junior college or any (4) four-year college or university;
  • Have a 2.0 or above grade point average (based on the 4,.0 scale.)

Also, students currently enrolled and playing soccer at the collegiate level may apply.

The application and guidelines are also available at the WYS web site:  Please read the guidelines carefully; if you have any questions contact the WYS office.  The application deadline is April 18


Anthony Napolitano Memorial Scholarship


High school senior participating in high school athletics and is planning on attending any higher education institute (college, university or trade school.)


Write a personal letter about yourself and your future goals.

The amount of the scholarship varies.

Deadline: May 1

Return the personal letter to the Newcastle High School Main Office.


"Aspiring Fashion Professional" Scholarship

Full Information and Application

Fashion Professional" Scholarship Program. Our goal for this program is twofold:

  1. To promote fashion and its related fields as a career path for young people
  2. To encourage aspiring fashion professionals to research and understand what a career in fashion requires.

Our program offers scholarship opportunities to high school seniors in the US. A single $1000 scholarship will be awarded.


Cambria Bow Hunters Scholarship

Full Application and Information


The Cambria Bowhunters Scholarship is an award in the amount of $250, given to a graduating senior who are pursuing higher education opportunities.

Consideration will be given to all applicants, but those with particular interests in archery, hunting, or the outdoors in general will be granted special consideration.

The application deadline is May 1st. Please return your application to the Newcastle   High School office or mail to: Francie Gregory P.O. Box 942 Newcastle, WY 82701


Douvas Memorial Scholarship-WDE

Information and Guidelines

Full Application

Douvas Scholarship Application and Information

Peter George Douvas, an immigrant from Greece, outlined in his will that a sum of money be left to the Wyoming Department of Education. The department will use this year’s money to establish a $500.00 scholarship to be awarded to a first-generation American youth who demonstrates need and motivation to attend college.


Fassbender Teacher's Scholarship Program
For any teacher of WCSD#1 who wishes to pursue a graduate degree in their field or specialized training in their field may apply for a scholarship toward the cost of tuition and/or books.
  • Due Date: May 1st, 2023
Glen Legler Scholarship

Full Website, History and Story

In 5 paragraphs, let us know why you think you deserve a scholarship in our dad's name. We have attached some links so that you may learn more about him. You can check out the comments on the website we created during the week he collapsed. If you read them, you'll see why it was necessary to make a website at all. He touched so many lives that we simply couldn't find a better way to keep everyone updated on how he was doing. He was a community dad. He saw the best in all people and had many friends. If you ever met him and talked to him for more then a few minutes, you were his friend.

Don't feel the need to focus on your own hardships. We'd much rather hear about where you're going, rather than where you've been. You also don't need to compare yourself to our dad. Again, we're interested in the story of where you are going. Finally, don't worry about sending us a letter of recommendation. We want you to write your own letter of recommendation. Thanks so much, and Happy Applying.

This year we will be awarding 1 person $1000.00.

Requirements: This scholarship is for seniors who plan to graduate from a High School in Wyoming. Please send a copy of your high school transcript along with your essay to:

Glen Legler Memorial Scholarship
c/o Patti S. Legler
4021 Crystie Lane
Casper, WY 82609


Katie Lynn Photography Memorial Scholarship

Full Application and Information

  • Due Date: May 1st, 2023


Marge Elliot/Inez Tysdal Retired Teachers Scholarship

Full Application and Information

The Marge Elliott/lnez Tysdal Retired Teachers Scholarship is administered by Weston County School District # 1 Education Endowment Foundation. Graduates of Newcastle High School and Upton High School are eligible to apply for this scholarship.

This scholarship is available to college juniors, seniors, and graduate students majoring in the field of education. Students must be attending a Wyoming college, Black Hills State University in Spearfish, South Dakota, or Chadron State College in Chadron, Nebraska.

The amount of the scholarship is variable as it is the accrued interest from a trust fund. The usual amount awarded is $1,000.

An application is part of this scholarship description. Applications are also available at the administration office of Weston County School District # 1.


Newcastle Area Chamber of Commerce Scholarship

Full Application and Information

  • Due date is May 5th, 2024


Pinnacle Bank Scholarship

Full Application and Information

Graduating Senior from Newcastle or the surrounding area who is planning on pursuing a degree at any Community College or University.

Scholarship recipient will receive a total monetary award of $1,000 in which half will be awarded the first semester and the other half awarded the second semester.


Society of Women Engineers Scholarships

Available Scholarships and Information

Begin the Application Process

SWE Scholarships support those who identify as a female/woman and are pursuing an ABET-accredited bachelor or graduate student program in preparation for careers in engineering, engineering technology and computer science in the United States. In 2019, SWE disbursed nearly 260 new and renewed scholarships valued at more than $810,000.


Staff Sergeant Brian Bland Memorial Scholarship

Full Application and Information

Open to any High School senior planning on attending a higher education institute (college, university or trade school) following high school - preference will be given to anyone involved with NHS wrestling program.


Thorson Family Loans

Full Application and Information

This loan fund is being dedicated to furthering the education of graduates from Newcastle High School. The interest from the donation will be made available on a yearly basis. It is the intent of the donor that the fund be directed to upper classmen in accredited schools who maintain a C+ (2.5) average or better and are lacking funds to continue their education. Priority will be given to fourth year students, then third year, then second year, depending on applications. The applicant must be registered as a declared major in a Baccalaureate program in science, mathematics, engineering, or medical sciences. Junior or community college students who are transferring to an accredited university may apply. 


VFW Past President Scholarship

Information Website

Application Form

Eligibility: Any high school senior who is a child or a grandchild of an honorably discharged veteran and has a grade point average of at least 3.0. A current transcript of grades showing grade point average must be provided.

Funded By: Wyoming Past State Commanders of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the Past State Auxiliary Presidents. One $500 scholarship will be awarded each year. The Junior Past State Commander and the Junior Past State Auxiliary President shall select the recipient in June of each year.


Weston County Farm Bureau Scholarship

Full Application and Information


Wyoming Architectural Student Scholarship

Full Application and Information

The Architectural Education Foundation of AIA Wyoming is pleased to announce its 2019 scholarship program. Since its inception, the Foundation awarded nearly $121,000 in scholarships to deserving Wyoming students of architecture. We hope this year to have many applicants and to award scholarships to all eligible applicants.

To be eligible, students must have an anticipated college path leading to a degree in architecture. Eligible students must also meet one of the following three criteria; be a graduate of a Wyoming high school, a graduate of the University of Wyoming, or a current Wyoming resident. College freshman through Master of Architecture graduate students are eligible for scholarships.

Scholarships will be awarded on a graduated scale based on the college year you are entering and consider overall need, ability, desire and determination. Additional considerations include the applicant’s potential to successfully complete their architectural education and enter architecture as a profession.Applicant submittal and eligibility requirements vary based on the college year the applicant is entering. Additional information is available on the scholarship application.

Interested students may request an application by contacting:

Brad Oberg
Vice President AEF-AIAWy
310 Carriage Drive
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82009
Phone: (307) 631-9484
Email: [email protected]


Wyoming Elk Angels Scholarship

Full Application and Information

This Scholarship Assistance is available to Students that are, the child, adopted child, or stepchild of a Wyoming Veteran who lost his/her life in the "War on Terror". The funds provided ($1,000.00) will be paid directly to an accredited institute of higher learning for the student's benefit. The award is limited to one per year per student. Applicants may re-apply for assistance each year throughout their Academic Career.


Wyoming LDS Foundation Scholarship

Full Application and Information

Prospective Wyoming LDS Foundation scholarship recipients will need to meet the following criteria:

  • Be admitted to a Wyoming university, community or junior college.

  • Submit an official Wyoming LDS Foundation Scholarship Application.

  • Demonstrate financial need.

  • Submit their ecclesiastical leader's endorsement concerning their upright moral conduct and financial need.

  • *Agree to enroll in and attend classes at a Wyoming LDS Institute of Religion.

  • Agree to regularly attend and participate in church meetings and activities.

  • Agree to live up to the standards of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Wyoming Refining Company Scholarship

Deadline: May 3rd

Eligibility: High school senior whose parent is a full-time employee of the Wyoming Refining Company.  Looking for a candidate who is planning on attending a higher education institution (technical school or college) outside of high school.

Please Return Completed Application to Newcastle High School Main Office

Horatio Alger Scholarship Applications

As one of the nation's largest need-based college scholarship programs in the country, the Horatio Alger Scholarship Programs specifically assist high school students who have faced and overcome great obstacles in their young lives. While many programs are directed primarily to recognizing academic achievement or leadership potential, the Horatio Alger Association seeks students who have exhibited determination, integrity, and perseverance in overcoming adversity, as well as have critical financial need.

The Hawthorn Foundation Scholarship Fund

Full Information and Application Process

The Hawthorn Foundation administers a Scholarship Fund that provides grants to Wyoming  individuals to enable them to complete a high school, undergraduate, graduate or technical school education in the field of their choice at any accredited school they may choose that is located in the United States. The Hawthorn Foundation’s scholarship program is intended to enable highly motivated individuals to improve their life circumstances through education and training. Scholarship recipients will be selected on an objective and nondiscriminatory basis.

  • Applications for the fall term will only be accepted June 1 through July 31, and applications for the spring term will only be accepted October 1 through November 30.
Wyoming Peace Officers Association Scholarships
It is the intention of the Wyoming Peace Officers Association to provide financial aid to Wyoming residents/students who are serious about furthering their careers; therefore, the Wyoming Peace Officers Association is offering four (4) scholarships to deserving individuals. Recipients may be selected from any category. Each college recipient will receive up to $500 per semester (after completion of that semester) for a total award not to exceed $1000 per year, providing that all requirements are met. Pre service basic students shall receive a maximum award of $1000 per year providing all requirements are met.
For Information on any Scholarships Contact:
Mr. Gregory in the High School Office during regular School Hours
Phone: (307) 746-2713
Mrs. Karp's College Prep class members 
Phone: (307) 746-2713