The Week Ahead: May 20th


The Class of 2024 will make their way across the stage on Sunday the 19th to receive their diplomas.  Congratulations to these students and families as they celebrate this accomplishment!  Everyone else has 5 school days to go!  Please take care of turning in books, paying fees, cleaning out your lockers, and paying lunch balances beforehand so your checkout goes smoothly.   

I hope you had the chance to check out the Art Show!  If not, you can swing in tonight and see all the hard work of the students and their teacher’s Mrs. Colgrove and Mrs. Marshall

              Summer school credit recovery letters will be going out soon.  Summer school is an opportunity for students to recover credits in Math, English, and Social Studies from May 29th-June 7th.

If you’re looking for information regarding what your students can be working on for class, please use this link. 

              Student Assignments


Here is the Week Ahead for NHS:

Monday, May 20th – A Day

  • Double Check with Teachers missing items
    • Books, Fees, Calculators, Laptops
  • Pro-Start Field Trip

Tuesday, May 21st – B Day

  • NET Lunch: Mrs. R Stanton
  • Homework Help Center: Mrs. Will
  • Swimming: Interest Meeting, Lunch in room 116 (Mr. Scribner)
  • FFA: End of the Year Banquet, 6:30 pm Fairgrounds

Wednesday, May 22nd – A Day

  • Homework Help Center: Mrs. Scribner, room 223
  • ER Time: Cross Country Interest Meeting, Commons

Thursday, May 23rd – B Day

  • NET Lunch: Mrs. R Stanton, room 224
  • Homework Help Center: Mrs. Reed

Friday, May 24th – C Day: Last Day of School

  • Early Release for Students: 1:30 pm
  • Modified C Day Schedule

Long-Term Dates:

  • May 29th-June 7th: Summer School Credit Recovery
  • August 20th: 9th Grade Jump Start
  • August 21st: First day of School!
  • October 14th-18th: Homecoming Week