This week on Wednesday our science department will be hosting the Northeast Regional Science Fair. Students have been putting in some hard work on their projects this school year, and we are proud to have them present them. We are thankful to all those who volunteer to make this event possible.
Senior slide show and senior composite photos are due to Mrs. Engle by February 1st. Please deliver them electronically to her, and if you need assistance please let us know.
Parents, if you’re looking for information regarding what your students can be working on for class, please use this link.
Here’s what we have scheduled for next week at NHS:
Monday, January 29th – A Day
- Grade & Tardy Checks
Tuesday, January 30th – B Day
- NET Lunch: Mrs. R Stanton, room 224
- Homework Help Center: Mrs. Will, room 226
Wednesday, January 31st – A Day
- Homework Help Center: Mrs. Scribner, room 223
- Northeast Regional Science Fair, NHS Practice Gym
- Modified Afternoon Schedule for Awards
- Girls Wrestling: @ Newell Round Robin
- WCSD #1 Board Meeting
Thursday, February 1st – B Day
- NET Lunch: Mrs. R Stanton, room 224
- Homework Help Center: Mrs. Reed
Friday, February 2nd – A Day
- Early Release for students, 1:30 pm
- Basketball: Home v. Rawlins, 2:30 pm
- Boys Swimming: Conference Meet @ Gillette
Saturday, January 3rd
- Basketball: @ Moorcroft, 1:00 pm
- Boys Swimming: Conference Meet @ Gillette
- Wrestling: @ Hill City Invite
Long-Term Dates:
- February 5th, 2024: Band/Choir Trip Informational Meeting, 7:00 pm; Music Room
- February 7th, 2024: Extended ER for PNA Survey
- March 19th & 21st: Parent Teacher Conferences
- April 16th – May 10th: WYTOPP Summative Testing
- Saturday, April 27th: NHS Prom
- Wednesday, May 1st: 307 Teen Challenge (9th Grade students)
- May 13th, 2024: 6-12 Choir Concert, 7:00 pm
- May 14th, 2024: 6-12 Band Concert, 7:00 pm
- Sunday, May 19, 2024: Graduation 2:00 pm