Good evening,
This was a difficult week at NHS for all of our students and staff, and I recognize the toll it took on you as parents and families as well. This morning we gathered students for an assembly to emphasize a variety of lessons learned from this. Our new city Police Chief, Chuck Bowles was also able to join us for this assembly and I also want to commend his staff and members of the Weston County Sheriff’s Office for the mutual aid response to the school on Wednesday. Our message to the students included that this is a scenario which should not be taken lightly, that we can learn from this, and hopefully will prevent a similar situation from occurring again. The importance of reporting something to an adult that doesn’t seem right was covered with students, and that we are all a community and have a responsibility to look out for each other. Furthermore, we talked about integrity and treating others right even when it is not the easy thing to do. Last, we encouraged our students to look to staff for support when they are struggling so we can connect them with the proper resources for help. Please know that our support is something that will continue going forward and anyone who needs to speak with someone can come down and speak with myself, our counselors, or any trusted adult.